Date and Time: 17th Apr 2023, 10:30 to 11:30 am
Description of the Event: A guest lecture was organized for the IV sem BHM students to understand and learn the current trends in Hotel Front Office Procedures. The resource person, Mr. Ajit Nandakumar spoke about the changes that have come into Hotel procedures from what used to be 10 years before. The focus is now on sustainability and achieving guest satisfaction. He informed that Four Seasons, as a brand is taking steps towards sustainability and is trying to do away with one-time usable plastic. The hotel has incorporated the concept of wooden key cards instead of plastic ones. He also spoke about the different channels used by the hotel to reach out to its target market. The use of social media is extensive to reach out to customers. Mr Ajit told the importance of Online Travel Agencies (OTA) to get room reservations. He also spoke about the importance of Average Room Revenue which shows the actual performance of a hotel. He spoke about the process of overbooking and informed the students that the hotel does not believe in turning away guests by doing extensive overbooking. The students got fair information about Front Office through this interaction.